The detective work that eventually connected a small group ofstrange achondritic meteorites to a fairly well known planet is a remarkablephilosophical achievement. Actually, solving this case depended on a relativelyunheralded measurement by the two NASA Viking spacecraft that landed on Mars in1976. Although sent to conduct experiments to detect extant life in Martiansoil (which they did not), the Viking landers gained redemption of sortsbecause the instruments measured the amounts of different gases in the thinMartian atmosphere. Those same gases were first found in 1983 by Donald Bogardand Pratt Johnson in very small amounts (but in the exact same proportions)trapped within shock glass veins and pockets in shergottite Elephant Moraine79001, and now in at least five other Martian meteorites (see plot). 这项检测工作最终将一小群奇怪的无球粒陨石与一颗相当著名的行星联系起来,是一项了不起的哲学成就。事实上,解决这个问题依赖于1976年登陆火星的两艘美国宇航局海盗号火星探测器进行的一次相对不为人所知的测量。尽管它们被派去进行实验以检测火星土壤中是否存在生命(它们没有这样做),但海盗号火星探测器获得了某种挽救,因为这些仪器测量了火星稀薄大气中不同气体的数量。1983年,唐纳德·博加德和普拉特·约翰逊首次发现了同样的气体,它们的数量非常少(但比例完全相同),被困在辉玻无球粒陨石Elephant Moraine 79001的陨击玻璃气囊中,现在至少存在于其他五个火星陨石中。
So what about all of the other alleged Martian meteorites? It turnsout that all of them have kinship based on several other diagnostic criteria:
(1) they all contain iron-rich oxide minerals (magnetite, chromite,ilmenite) and no iron in metallic form,
(2) they all contain an iron sulfide mineral called pyrrhotite,instead of troilite (as found typically in iron metal-bearing meteorites),
(3) the pyroxene and olivine minerals within them have ratios of Fe(iron) to Mn (manganese) that are distinctive (see plot below), and mostlysignificantly,
(4) they have a narrow range of oxygen isotopic compositionsdifferent from those of any other achondritic meteorites (see plot below).
Taken together, these forensic measures constitute a preponderanceof evidence that all the 139 or so proposed Martian meteorites are from thesame body, and the atmospheric gas evidence proves beyond doubt that the bodyis in fact Mars. Thus, unlike the case for lunar meteorites, we have thecurious circumstance of knowing that these specimens come from Mars even thoughhumans have not yet obtained directly any rock samples from there. Even moreintriguing is the fact that none of the Martian meteorites (possibly with oneexception) seem to be very similar to the rock outcrops at any landing sites exploredso far with robotic craft. However, the bulk FeO/MnO ratios for the freshestrocks at Gusev crater are very similar to the bulk FeO/MnO ratios forshergottites, providing another very strong link.
文中内容来自:imca.cc(国际陨石收藏家协会网站,简称IMCA,International Meteorite Collectors Association)